
Ddex Provider Firebird Install

1 Jan 2000admin

I am struggling creating a Firebird connection in Visual Studio 2015. I have a C# class library with which I would like to connect to a Firebird database. I installed these plugins from NuGet: But when I try to add a new Item 'ADO.NET Entity Data Model' with 'EF Designer from database', the Firebird connection is not listed: Reading articles on the internet showed that an entry in machine.config should have been made. But this didn't happen. There is no Firebird entry in that config file. The 'FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient' reference exists in the Visual Studio project. The entry in the App.config file is: I as well installed the SQLite plugins just to see if this provider behaves the same.

And indeed it wasn't listed either in the 'Choose Data Source' dialog. I guess I make a general mistake.

PM> Install-Package FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient In the ' Additional Downloads ' subsection you can find packed binary versions of provider and DDEX provider. Join Firebird! How to install Firebird DDEX Provider for. NET into Visual Studio 2010 Professional on 32bit 1. Download and install VS2010 SD' fro# $i%rosoft &tt'())www.

Can anybody help me with this issue? How can I create a database connection to my Firebird database?

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To include Firebird Data Source in the list: Step 1: Install DDEX Provider Download DDEX Provider and install it. Usually it is installed in the folder C: Program Files (x86) FirebirdDDEX. Step 2: Preparing the reg-file Download the 32-bit or 64-bit version of the base reg-file, depending on the bit depth of your operating system. Locate the folder on your computer where the Visual Studio 2017 settings are stored. It is located here at C: Users AppData Local Microsoft Visual Studio. Find the folder whose name begins with 15.0_.

In my case it is 15.0_dc45016c. Open the base reg file (from DDEX folder) in Notepad and make the following changes: ###15.0_Config### to 15.0_dc45016c (11 replacements) DDEX_PATH### to C: Program Files (x86) FirebirdDDEX (1 replacement) Double-slashes are required.

The result is the following file: The reg-file is ready. Step 3: Edit the private registry Run Regedit. Highlight the HK_USERS section. Select File > Load Hive. We select the file privateregistry.bin, which is located in the settings folder of Visual Studio 2017 (in this case C: Users AppData Local Microsoft VisualStudio 15.0_dc45016c). Specify VS2017PrivateRegistry as the name of the bush. Run on execution of the previously saved registry file or import it through regedit.

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Expand the HKEY_USERS section. Highlight the newly created section of VS2017PrivateRegistry. Choose File > Unload Hive. Run Visual Studio 2017 and check to see if the Firebird Data Source appears in the list. Categories Post navigation.