
Expedition Navigation Software Cracked

1 Jan 2000admin

Expedition Navigation Software Crack Forum Average ratng: 5,0/5 6299votes Check out Will Oxley's new book! Expedition Navigation Software - A Gentle Introduction. Will provides an expert walkthough on Expedition. Underdawg did an excellent job of explaining the rules.

Here's the simplified version: Don't insinuate Pedo. Warning and or timeout for a first offense.

To purchase a Ford navigation map update, visit the official Ford map update store. Select your vehicle model and year from the dropdown menu, and the appropriate update will appear. Add the map update to your cart, and proceed to checkout.

PermaFlick for any subsequent offenses Don't out members. See above for penalties. Caveat: if you have ever used your own real name or personal information here on the forums since, like, ever - it doesn't count and you are fair game. If you see spam posts, report it to the mods. We do not hang out in every thread 24/7 If you see any of the above, report it to the mods by hitting the Report button in the offending post. We do not take action for foul language, off-subject content, or abusive behavior unless it escalates to persistent stalking. There may be times that we might warn someone or flick someone for something particularly egregious.

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There is no standard, we will know it when we see it. If you continually report things that do not fall into rules #1 or 2 above, you may very well get a timeout yourself for annoying the Mods with repeated whining. Use your best judgement.

Warnings, timeouts, suspensions and flicks are arbitrary and capricious. Deal with it. Welcome to anarchy. If you are a newbie, there are unwritten rules to adhere to.

Van halen a different kind of truth rar download pc. They will be explained to you soon enough. Nick is delivering great new features in every version. V5 came out just this week. Excellent support +. If you consider the difference this kind of software can make in a distance race, it's probaby the best investment you can make (if your boat is reasonably well set up from the start)? A new jib will make 1-2% difference - a good routing will be the difference between last and first place. It made me look like genius one or two time this season.

And since I'm not that smart, it was well worth the money for me. Expedition is pretty good. My advice is you need to temper the suggested routes with your judgement. Do comparison routes, don't take suggested routes as gospel. If you use the tool for comparison of different scenarios, it is a valuable simulation.

But - USE YOUR JUDGEMENT as a sailor! Many used Expedition going to Bermuda in 06 and ended up in the cheap seats because they did not check multiple route options.

Lots of wining down there about, 'my routing software said go east!' You're right. The routing is only as good as the data it has to work with. If the models get it wrong the route will be wrong too.

It's great technology that can save you a ton of time, and do calculations that you would likely be too tired to do, or not have the time for. But it, or any other technology, cannot replace wisdom and intuition, at least not yet. Expedition is a great value, especially given the fact that Nick routinely updates it for free to registered users. In'06 we used it to win our class for Newport Bermuda. My navigator and I spent 3 months running simulations up to the date of the race.