
Kalibrovochnaya Tablica Rezervuara R 25

1 Jan 2000admin

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みなさん、こんにちは。 お盆はどのように過ごされましたか? 大谷祖廟では暑さがましになる夜間にお墓参りが出来るようにと、 お盆の期間中たくさんの灯籠が点灯されます。 Hi, there! During oban, buddhist holidays, many people typically visit their ancestors' graves. Higashi-Otani Mausoleum sets thousands of lanterns for people visiting their ancestors' graves in less hot evenings. 残念ながらお墓のちょうちんは半分以上が消えてしまっていましたが それでも広大な墓地は圧巻でした。 Unfortunately, many lanterns at grave site were off when I get there but it was still very impressive. 毎年行われていますので、お盆に京都へお越しの際は行かれてみてはいかがでしょうか。 If you have a chance to come to Kyoto during obon (14th - 16th Aug), why don't you visit there and feel the peaceful Buddhist holiday atmosphere.